Some days are meant to be treasured–frozen in time and not forgotten. I had such a day strolling the Volga Embankment with Tanya and Natalia Antoninova. In spite of her frailty (stage 4 cancer), she hopped into a cab with us and we treated her to an afternoon in her favorite place in the city. Why don’t you join us?
Where in the world is Samara?
Admittedly, world geography is not a popular subject in the US public education system. Many people ask about exactly where I go on these adventures to Russia, and when I say SAMARA is about 500 miles east-southeast of Moscow, I often get that “eyes glaze over” response and an uncertain nod. So, for all of you inquiring minds who really want to know… (click on icon if your browser doesn’t show the map.) On this map of eastern Europe and Asia, between Moscow (red dot) and the Caspian Sea (lower left) you will see Samara – slightly to the east…
Taking Hold
Mission to Samara 2013 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Phil. 3:12 NIV) Yes, I’m off to Russia again soon. Leaving May 8 for another six-week stay. Some of you might be wondering what possesses me to return to such a mysterious, foreign place year after year. Some could possibly even be impressed. But I don’t think Jesus is impressed. Not long ago, I was challenged to examine what “success” looks like as a follower of Jesus. The gist…
Watering With Tears
The words of Psalm 126 comfort me as I wait (impatiently now) to get to Samara and do what I can to minister to the people of Samara.
The story within the stories ( a sneak peek at my novel)
I’m mining my twelve trips in Russia and my still-limited grasp of their culture and “soul” to create something beautiful, truthful, and redemptive.