We will check your fully-edited and formatted document for typos and errors in pagination, table of contents, chapter headings. (This would be the final review before sending a manuscript to a printer/publisher.)
Rate: $1.50 per 250-word page. No minimum fee.
Electronic Copy-Edit
We edit a digital copy of your manuscript (sent to us as an e-mail attachment in MS Word), reviewing for errors in the rules of standard written English, including the following:
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Spelling
- Sentence structure
- Shifts in tone, tense, person and number
- Subject-verb agreement
- Modifier placement
- Word Usage
This service saves you time because there is no delay for postal mail and because you will not have to transfer the needed changes from hard copy to digital copy.
We give you the option of seeing the corrections on your digital copy and approving them yourself, or simply allowing us to make the changes without you viewing the corrections.
Queries will be embedded in the text margins.
Rate: $4.00 per 250-word page ($50.00 min. fee)
Content/Substantive Editing
In addition to the copy editing, we will suggest additions or deletions to your writing in order to enhance, tighten, polish or improve it, while maintaining your “voice.” For fiction, we will evaluate your characters as to the consistency of their speech, behaviors and points of view. We look for your story arc, plot points, tension, setting, use of five senses, etc. We will provide query notes to explain our suggestions, leaving the final decision up to you, the author. For non-fiction, we will evaluate your manuscript for consistency of theme, tone, “premise and promise,” and relevancy to target audience.
Rate: Our Substantive Editing work is on a project quote basis. We typically ask you to send the first 25 pages of your manuscript (or less if it is a very short piece) for our no-charge review. We will then edit five pages so that you can decide whether our work is in line with your expectations. At that juncture, we will know the amount/level of editing required and the approximate amount of time your project will take.
Website Review & Edit
Hard-copy Edit
This is a one-time site visit and inspection. We check all links and evaluate your site for its visual appearance, ease of use and effectiveness in communicating your services or products. A hard copy of each page is printed, line edited, and mailed to you.
Flat Rate: $5.00 per printed page ($100 minimum)
(We do not offer File-Copy Editing at this time.)
Follow-Up Visits (after initial inspection)
We will work with your graphic designers, content providers, and webmaster to ensure that your Web site maintains its functionality, professionalism, and user-friendly browsing. We recommend this service on a quarterly basis.
Your site will be reviewed for the following:
- Usability
- Content effectiveness
- Aesthetics and visual appeal
- Spelling errors and typos
- Punctuation and grammar errors
- Clear sentence structure and appropriate word usage
- Working links
Flat Rate – $3.00 per printed page ($50 minimum)
For new websites, focus your site’s content, graphics, and marketing on a small target audience first. That way, you will figure out what works and what doesn’t without spending a lot of money on advertising. When your site becomes successful on a small scale, you can expand into new markets.
Resume Service
Need a job, but are having trouble selling yourself? Allow us to create a winning resume that will help you get not just the job you need, but the job you want!
- The following information is a MUST on all resumes, so please include it with your request.
- Personal Information – including name, home address, e-mail address, and phone numbers (home and cell).
- Qualifications/Related Skills for the specific job you are applying for.
- Education – including school/university history and any additional career-related classes you have completed.
- Work Experience – including dates and employer names and addresses.
- References – professional are more critical than personal. Be sure to get the person’s permission to include his/her contact information on your resume.
Following are optional headings you may want us to include:
- Licenses
- Related Activities/Association Memberships
- Publications you have appeared in.
- Awards/Honors specific to the field you are applying in.
- Community Service/Volunteer Work
- Military Training
We will select a style of resume that best suits your particular field, qualifications,and experience. You may request a particular style if you prefer.
Rate: $50.00 for a standard single page resume.
Cover letters & Query Letters
Cover letters are vital to the success of a job application. We will custom tailor a letter to suit your specific needs and situation. You will simply need to provide the name and address of the prospective employer, the job description, and the way you learned about the job opening.
Flat Rate: $10.00 per cover letter. $50 for author query letter
What is a ghostwriter? Simply, someone who will take your materials and ideas and transform them into a polished piece of writing. In the corporate world, this person is a secretary. But there are many other situations that call for ghostwriting, and we are here to help.
You might be someone who has some great ideas, or a fabulous story to tell, but English is not your native language so putting it in the “right” words is difficult for you. Even if English IS your native language, you might not have sufficient confidence in your writing skills to get your story to a level acceptable to an editor.
A ghostwriter (to differentiate from a co-author) does not get a by-line. You retain the rights and the credit for the article or book (just as an employer signs HIS name on the letter that the secretary actually wrote for him).
Fees for Ghostwriting vary depending on the specific project requested. Once you tell us about the manuscript that you want us to write, we will provide a quote and timeline for completion of the project. We can divide fee payments into installments. The first installment serves as your advance payment and is due when you order the service.
To ensure that you are happy with the ghostwriter’s work on your project, we make your initial payment a small portion of the overall fee. This allows you to review the ghostwriter’s work on your project before paying any additional installments. If you are not completely satisfied with the work, you may cancel the service.
If we do not feel confident that we have the ability and/or the time to complete a requested ghostwriting project, we will not accept a proposal. In other words, there is no guarantee that we will accept a request. In addition, we cannot guarantee that you will be successful in finding a publisher for any work we ghostwrite or edit for you.
First Impressions Writing Services – specializing in Book Editing.
Copyright 2007-2016.