Whew! The conference is winding down and what a ride it has been (how’s that for mixing metaphors?) Today a publishing house editor asked me to send him a book propsal for a non-fiction idea I’ve been mulling around in my mind. I also got some GREAT info on how to make some money writing personal experience stories for anthologies like Chicken Soup for the Soul. We still have our evening session with Charlie Peacock, our keynote speaker, and the awards night/autograph party tonight…and then the last part of my children’s writing track in the morning. I’m getting lots of positive comments about my writing from my classmates (and my teacher!) When someone who has published over 8 million copies says I’m talented, I have to accept that. 🙂
Unless something majorly earth shattering happens, I won’t be updating on the conference again until I get home and can reflect. Again, thanks for keeping up with my adventure here this time and for your encouraging words. I haven’t had time to respond to your individual comments, but I’ve read them all and treasure each word.
Yes! You do have to accept that Jeanette. You are on your way and I am so happy to see it happening!
The mixing metaphors sound exciting, just like the way you are able to turn earthly things into heavenly. Never read anything more gripping from a conference I personally did not attend! LOL