Sometimes this happens But not often. That’s why I want to share this moment of joy with you. And, to give a long-overdue and well-deserved shout out to an incredible writer, person, and friend. She’s a wife, a mom, a youth pastor, a daughter, a friend to many, and now, a multi-published, successful author. It’s been a huge joy to be part of Mary Weber‘s journey. Together with Susan Gaddis and Diane Ramirez, we formed the Word DIVAS about six years ago, hoping to hone our individual writing chops and also find publishing inroads into our community for writing about…
April 2011 Review – Max on Life
Max on Life – Answers and Insights to Your Most Important Questions by Max Lucado Published by Thomas Nelson, 2011 A Pastor in Your Pocket… More than once in my sixty-one years, my favorite pastor deserted me. That’s how I felt, anyway. Of course, there were always reasons: he retired; the denomination moved him to another city; he changed his career focus; the church couldn’t afford to keep him on. Others I know have lost beloved pastors to indiscretion, death, or disability. Whatever the reason, the loss of a shepherd, and the wait for a new one, is a tough…
May 2010 Reviews
Life in Defiance By Mary DeMuth In my review of the first book of Mary DeMuth’s Defiance Texas Trilogy, I asked the question: why are people in Defiance so defiant? Now I know the answer—secrets. So many secrets…so much pain and grief because of them. And isn’t that just like us? There lies the beauty of Mary DeMuth’s Life in Defiance. She writes relevant fiction—stories that mean something. In the case of this book, her impeccable writing sucked me right into the inner world of Ouisie Pepper and held me there until all the secrets holding Defiance, Texas, captive could…
Mount Hermon wrap up
Whew! The conference is winding down and what a ride it has been (how’s that for mixing metaphors?) Today a publishing house editor asked me to send him a book propsal for a non-fiction idea I’ve been mulling around in my mind. I also got some GREAT info on how to make some money writing personal experience stories for anthologies like Chicken Soup for the Soul. We still have our evening session with Charlie Peacock, our keynote speaker, and the awards night/autograph party tonight…and then the last part of my children’s writing track in the morning. I’m getting lots of positive comments…
Off to Mount Hermon
Blogging about my 2010 Mount Hermon Writers Conference adventure on my writing blog: