Oh, how I love the country lifestyle! Fresh air, peace and quiet, wholesome food, afternoon naps, and friendly folk. Jealous? Then plan to join me next year for my time in the village of Pestravka and the Salvation Rehab Center.
I want to tell you all about it–but I left my camera at a friend’s house today and so my pictures are held hostage until we can connect again. I can just say that unlike last year when the Center had some, well, shall we say “tense moments,”
this year was all smiles, joy, and a spirit of cooperation and relaxation. We even went fishing one afternoon.
So, be patient, dear blog followers, for photos of baby piglets, pregnant cows, the new milking machine, Luba’s grandson, and all kinds of other fun stuff.
And yes, the Bible study “Taking Hold” was a success both with the women at the Pestravka 1st Assembly of God and in the rehab center. I believe people saw Jesus in a fresh, new, and compelling way–and learned that it is actually possible to be “imitators of Christ” in our world.
Afternoon nap?? Can’t believe you had it! LOL I know how your every minute counts and you are never left alone…somebody (in a quantity of plural numbers) follows you and asks to go with them, so fishing sounds like more your type of rest:) Yes, waiting for those countryside pictures to arrive! And more stories:):)
Picture will be soon! And naps…they are a joy 🙂
This makes me happy. I’m so glad the time was smiles and refreshment. And I’m REALLY excited the Bible Study went so well.
Love ya.
Thanks for your encouragement! Praying it goes as well today with the CrossRoads teachers. (they can be a tough audience!)