of the Lord is the death of His saints (Psalm 116:15 NJKV)

Again, I’m too late. But God is never too late. On Saturday, December 14 he released my beloved friend Natalia Antoninovna from her diseased earthly body and took her to her eternal home.
This sad news was not unexpected. But it’s never easy to hear. I had so hoped to see her one more time, hold her hand, and offer her the comfort of my presence. Alas, she couldn’t wait. I get that.
Few people leave this world as heroes. No, she was not famous. Don’t wrack your brain trying to recall this name. Her story appears on my blog here, here, and here. These may be the only three places where her “fame” is shared. But I am sure beyond any doubt that the banner over her mansion in glory reading “WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT” is in letters big enough for all of heaven to see. And to many, including me, she is a true hero. Read the stories and I’m sure you will agree.
Thank you, Natalia, for a life well lived. For your devotion to Jesus Christ, to your family and friends, and to the orphans of Samara. What a legacy you have left for them – and for me. I will never forget you. And I know you are waiting for me.
If she was your hero, then she will be mine too. I also have a hero. Her name is Doris and one of these days I will be looking up knowing all of heaven is rejoicing. She is my hero and one of God’s faithful servants.
So, J, I will say a prayer for Natalia. One day I will call upon you to say a prayer for Doris.
Thanks, Denise.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you, dear Liz.
What a beautiful tribute to your friend! I’m sure God brought you into her life for a reason too, even if it was for a shorter time than you’d like.