Just what I expected and much more than I expected at the convent. An unexpected joy… And a personal blessing from the priest who told me, “Often physical pain opens the soul.” He was referring to my aching feet after standing for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning services. Two hours plus each in a candle-lit wooden sanctuary. Pictures will come when I have more time.
More bright spots
Yesterday I had a lovely lunch with Nina and Volodia. Have a look at the picturesque bowl of solyanka, a blooming tulip, and smiling friendship.
Samara in bloom
AHHH SPRING! Something new begins to bloom nearly every day. Have a peek at the bright delights that never fail to avert my attention away from the greys and browns of a big city.
Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude
Just a quick note on the first night of our Bible studies. We have a good attendance – 20 people including 2 men in spite of many “probkas” (traffic jams). Many there were new to CrossRoads Bible studies. And some of my old faithfuls came as well. The participation was excellent! I think every person offered comments during the discussions…and I know they enjoyed the “practicum” of making “blessing chains.” Julia said, “I am thankful for the joy I felt while doing this project.” God showed up. Thanks for your prayers. Below are photos of the construction of the blessing…
Victory Day in Russia. May I introduce you to my new friend? He is Nicholai Alexandrovich, decorated veteran of the Great Patriotic War, survivor of the front in the northern Caucuses, and citizen of Samara. Nicholai kindly agreed to pose with me. I felt fortunate to have this rare opportunity. Few veterans remain from the war where over 20 million Soviet soldiers and citizens perished. Twenty million. Ponder that for a minute. No family is exempt from loss. My own Natasha never knew her papa. Nicholai wore only some of the decorations he received during and after the war. The…