Today (Jan. 28) at noon begins my dear husband Ken’s new life as a retiree (or pensioner as they say in Russia). He worked 31 1/2 years for Pacific Gas & Electric. Imagine all the friends and coworkers he has had during all this time. Many have retired already or transferred to jobs in other locations. Some, sadly, have passed away. Yet there were still dozens every day this week who stopped by his desk or came to two different events held on site at the plant to congratulate him, thank him for his unfailing help, and wish him well. I’ve invited a few friends to stop over this afternoon and shake his hand. (He doesn’t know about this “un-party” yet.) He said he didn’t want a big deal type party–but heck–maybe I do! He deserves recognition for the uncountable hours he’s poured out on behalf of Diablo Canyon–even off the clock.

And so…what will it be like to have hubby home all day every day? We shall see…
Stay tuned!
Congratulations to Ken for a job well-worked! And congrats to you for working a hard line at home in support (cooking, cleaning, wifeing) :-).
Can’t wait to see what exactly this new adventure holds! But one things for sure…it will involve lots of wii.
Dear Ken….Big time Congrats for a faithful commitment to you family, your wife, and your community!! Heck, you helped keep us all safe working at that nuclear power plant….here’s to a job well-done and your WATCH! Enjoy your retirement and all the bazillion things on the honey-do lists that begin tomorrow!! :0)
love ya,
nanci, hannah and luke
sorry for all the typos!! forget to read it over!! :0)