If you are wondering what 50 pounds of gifts looks like, here’s this trip’s suitcase full. I’m just a hair over the weight limit. Let’s hope the agent is feeling magnanimous. Otherwise, I’ll have a few extra goodies in my carry-on bag.

This cheerful batch of blessings will put smiles on dozens of faces in the weeks to come. I am overflowing (much like the suitcase) with gratitude for everyone who has contributed to making this 9th trip a success before I even leave Atascadero. Thank you to all who have committed to pray for me. Thank you to all who have given financially to support the CrossRoads team. Thank you to all of you who have helped me fill this suitcase (and part of another one!) Thank you to Nanci, Liz, Brenda, Lynda, Jeanette B. and Cathi who stopped by this week and encouraged me. Thank you, dear hubby Ken for supporting my passion and sending me off with a smile. Thank you to all who have sent emails with well wishes and kind thoughts. I could never do this alone. God is so good to surround me with such an army!
Something new is waiting for me in Russia this year. I can’t wait to find out what it will be.
hi – i stumbled upon your blog this morning. we have two beautiful daughters who joined our family via adoption. they were born in togiliotti, samara in 2005. we made three trips to samara to complete their adoption. we’ve also been to the other end of russia on two different mission trips. i definitely left a big chunk of my heart there. i’m looking forward to following your blog!
i just clicked on the “what is crossroads” link and am very moved. you see, our russian daughters were born to two young women who are HIV+. my heart’s deepest desire is that they woul come to know Jesus, so that my girls can be reunited with them FOREVER in heaven. now i’m VERY excited to be following your blog!!
I’m so thrilled you found me! And that you have been to Samara! Welcome to my blog site.
You will see on my itinerary that I will be spending a day with my friend Katya and her family. Katya and Sasha are former drug addicts, both HIV infected. They came to Christ at the Salvation Rehab Center (also another of my scheduled visits), married two years ago, and now have a beautiful little girl, Yana. So far, Yana is healthy. Praise the Lord! Katya is featured on the CrossRoads documentary DVD Hope Positve. You can see the trailer on their website.
You can also read another amazing story TTaking the Road Less Traveled) about a CrossRoads teacher on my web site: http://www.firstimpressionswriting.com/contact
Wow! 50 lbs of goodies. I think the bears are the heaviest item in there. Know that the Army of God is behind you in prayer and that there is something NEW and exciting about this trip. He loves variety. Just look at us!
OK the Kazan warrior photo scared me. I will never again share a room with you.
Your bible studies just had to go well. Look who’s teaching them and look who’s standing next to you…….it’s Jesus!!
The pictures are so cool! It makes me feel like I’m there.
You are a brillant individual for getting this up and running for all of us to see. I would also like to mention that you look fabulous darling.
Everything looks cozy. Yes I know it’s another word for small space, but it looks inviting just the same.
All my love to you and everyone in Russia,
Get the recipe for the soup!!! In English please.
Love you,
I have it at home! Got it last year when Nina served it to me.