Hello! My name is Kasey Littlejohns and I have known Jeanette for the past couple of years. She is a good friend of my husband’s mother, Brenda. I am honored that Jeanette would allow me to come serve alongside her and the CrossRoads team for this fall trip to Samara.
In high school, I had a vision at church youth camp that I would someday visit Russia. Here I am, 10 years later, accomplishing this dream! I am ready to see what God has in store for me as I visit Samara. Ministering to the children, youth, and adults is going to be such a blessing. The part I am looking forward to the most is visiting the orphanages, playing the piano, and singing. I know there will be so many people to visit and places to see! I am praying and expecting God to do wonderful things during this trip. I look forward to making new friends, praising God together, and impacting each other’s lives!
(Kasey will be joining me half-way through my time in Samara. “Let her come,” said Tanya. “We need young faces!” I can’t agree more! Who could resist her charming smile and her enthusiasm? Having Kasey on my team this year will so complement the mission of Samara CrossRoads–to empower Samara’s youth to teach and model positive character traits, make wise choices, and live Christ-honoring lives. WELCOME KASEY!)
I’m so excited for both of you and I’ll be praying that God uses Kasey in a big way. Blessings on your preparation time!
Thanks, Susan. The prep time is short, for sure, but going well. Your prayers matter.
Jeanette, what a surprise, you’ve got a companion on your trip!! And such a pretty girl who looks like a very nice person:) I am so happy for you; it is so much easier and fun to travel when you are not on your own and I know your time in Samara acquires a new shade of meaning every time you have a new friend with you:)
Right you are! What fun for me to watch someone’s dream coming true.
I just love it when God has a dream comes full circle!!!!!
Kasey, you are going to have a great trip and the memories to prove it. Jeanette is a great person to hang out with. I know you will learn lots from her.
(If you can get the dandelion soup recipe for me I would appreciate it.)
I think I’ve already overwhelmed Kasey with “info dump.” LOL!
Wow, everybody is so supportive! Thanks for the encouragement. I’m really looking forward to getting to know Jeanette better. A little info fact – her son, Ian, is one of my husband’s best friends! Isn’t it a small world? 🙂 Anyhow, Russia is going to be amazing…I’d like to get some recipes too while I’m in Samara! Jeanette- the more info the better!!! It is a lot of things to consider, but at least I’m informed!