So while it was still my birthday in America, I was relaxing at the dacha of my great friends, Nina and Volodya Kuznetzov. They invite me there every year for a banya and picnic under the blooming apple trees. Hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed my fresh-air and clean-to-the-pores time with them.

oooooooooh! I miss the banya!!!
Congratulations, dear Jeanette! You have been added values and charms you didn’t have one year ago. May God bless you with new and greater blessings! Your mission work in Samara is not only helpful to our brethren there, but to all who are inspired by your vision, generosity and courage.
Happy Steam, Jeanette! I know you somehow acquired this liking of the Russian banya (wet steam sauna!) and this just makes me smile every time warmly…this is not a frequent experience for the North American traveler…lol And you get treated with this every time you show up in Russia…LOL xoxoxoxoxIt is a great exfoliation (for body and soul!) and a very effective massage, enjoy!
Yes! Hurrah for the banya. May I enjoy at least one more while I am here.