Try it sometime. Go for an entire week without any information from your “world” – no e-mail, no internet, no TV or newspapers. No communication from your family or friends. Better yet, do this in another city – or another country. Yeah…you get the picture. Wow! I have no idea what has been going on until today. Crazy. Just found out the Chilean miners were rescured. YEAH! And Paula Abdul is returning to American Idol. LOL! Well…some things are more important than others, that’s for sure.
What’s important to me right now is that I am alive and well in Russia. Winding down…but feeling more wound up as requests for meetings increase and time decreases. Weariness is setting in. I knew I couldn’t do this trip in my own strength, and today I feel it in spades.
Love you all – thanks for sticking with me during this period of silence. I know you’ve been praying, and that’s a great blessing.
I am praying Psalm 68:35 for you right now. We love you! tom g.
What!!! Paula Abdul is returning to Idol???
Hurry home safe, darling.
I woundered why you went off the grid. I’m looking forward to hearing the stories that were lived when you had gone missing. 🙂
You have been away for a while, everyone notices your absence, Jeanette! Finish it up there and come back:):) You are a hero and we need our hero back SAFE and HAPPY:)
So glad you’re doing well. We miss you over here!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it. 🙂
They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Praying for eagles wings for you, my friend, and supernatural endurance. Are you feeling His good pleasure as you run? “Cause I think He is a pretty proud Papa right now.
You were missed. I’m glad you’re back on the Internet keeping us all posted on your trip. It was a bit frightening for awhile not hearing from you. Glad to see e-mails coming again.