My departure date of May 13 is close enough to touch. Except for some last-minute shopping, I am as “prepared” as I have time to be. The Bible study is written (and approved!), my itinerary is “set,” and all of my travel arrangements and documents are in order. I’ve started packing. One last thing remains – to say THANK YOU!
To those who have been and are praying for me – THANK YOU. Without your prayers, I would flounder in a sea of striving. Only surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses can this continuing mission succeed.
To those who have made or bought “souvenirs” for me to use as gifts for the orphans and addicts and people who attend the Bible studies – THANK YOU! What a help this is to me–a person whose “love language” is not gift-giving. I’m just not a great shopper. Definitely not a craft maker.
To those who have given financially – THANK YOU! God is using you to plant seeds for his kingdom. The economy is suffering in Russia. Prices go up and wages go down. Sound familiar? YOUR generosity…YOUR sacrifice will keep the doors of CrossRoads open for another year!
To everyone reading my posts and offering words of encouragement – THANK YOU! I’m often asked if it’s hard traveling alone. And the answer is, I’m not alone. I have a team, and you are part of it. Stick close! I need you.
My ministry partner from Help is on the Way, Jane Wiebe, shared the following in her recent newsletter. I have to pass it on, because these words pull this post together perfectly:
“I believe completely in the power of presence. True presence, or “being with” another person carries with it a silent power to bear witness to a passage, to help carry an emotional burden, or to begin a healing process. In it, there is an intimate connection with another that is perhaps too seldom felt in our fast-paced lives. It is of priceless value.”
Yes, I am the one physically present in Russia. And with me goes “Christ in me, the hope of glory” to shine his hope into people’s lives. But without your presence along side me as I prepare, your funds to say “I care,” and your sweet gifts to share, I would be going it alone, empty-handed, and much less confidant than I am with your support.
THANK YOU EVERYONE and THANK YOU GOD for showing me your love through my friends.
Tanya says
Thank you, Jeanette, for coming! We feel your presence even when you are in America and we love your presence when you are in Russia. Have a safe trip! Looking forward to hugging you in Samara airport.
With love, Tanya
John McDaniels says
God bless you, Jeanette, as you make final preparations for your trip and then as you go again to share God’s love with the people of Russia. We are praying for you and rejoicing with you in your joy of being sent.:)
Love in Christ,
Judith Robl says
May God be with you and the strength of Christ uphold you. May you be directed surely by the Holy Spirit in all that you say and do. May every life you touch be blessed by the hand of God. Go in peace and grace and strength and love.